The Week That Was on Deadline Detroit

Is the Charter Revision a Good Plan for Detroit? = A Conversation with Former City Council Member Sheila Cockrel

Craig Fahle / Deadline Detroit Season 3 Episode 59

Craig's guest is Sheila Cockrel, former member of the Detroit City Council.  She is one of a group of local business and political leaders that formed to formally oppose the passage of Proposal P in Detroit, which would revise the city's charter for the second time in 10 years.   Proposal P, if passed, would make a number of major changes to how the city operates, and could mandate things such as a cap on water prices, broadband access, and more.  It also would create a number of new commissions that would have oversight of many city functions. Supporters argue the changes are necessary to combat generations of inequality and injustice, while opponents argue that despite the proposals good intentions, the plan could push the city back into bankruptcy.    The Michigan Supreme Court is considering whether to allow the proposal to be on Detroit's August primary ballot.  Absentee ballots need to begin being sent out on June 19th, leaving the Court little time to make a decision.